
Yes, but remember this isn't all about body issues. Many gyms, especially at universities, have women's only swim hours that are especially designed for women from conservative religious sects who otherwise would not be able to go swimming. I'm not saying I agree with those religious views, but I respect them. If

Thank you for this video! We just sat down and watched the whole thing on YouTube. Fry and Hitchens absolutely decimate the people arguing for the motion (a bishop and a conservative MP). It was actually kind of embarrassing how unevenly matched they were. The bishop seemed to be operating from the view that, "I am a

The whole hating-on-the-nuns thing was a last straw for many of us who finally gave up on the whole cognitive dissonance thing.

So precious! Love that little white foot.

It's like any cuisine in that there are very healthy foods (like you mentioned, dal, cooked vegetables, salads, whole grain chapati/roti, etc), but there are also a lot of fried foods, high-sugar foods, and regionally, a lot of butter and processed flour. It just depends on what people choose to eat and in what

You know, I wish they would call it a "processed food diet" instead of a "Western diet." Now cue my illness-ridden South Asian relatives telling me that their "non-Western" diet of processed wheat, ghee, canola oil, palm oil, packaged tea biscuits, and white sugar is super healthy.

I'm glad people are now talking more about anti-depressant weight gain. My sister and I both gained upwards of thirty pounds in five months on Zoloft as teenagers. When I told a psychiatrist about this, he laughed at me and told me, "that's impossible," and said I must have just started over-eating all of a sudden

Vicodin, Flexiril, and some kind of anti-immflamatory. Combine with rum for a good time.

Was gonna say the same thing re: Ambien = zolpidem. That stuff can be addictive.

I'm jealous. Our 8th grade sex-ed involved very little information about sex (other than that "when we were raped" we shouldn't fight back or have an abortion), but did include a great deal of anti-birth-control talk that later turned out to be untrue (i.e. using the pill would lead to cancer and infertility) and the

Some of the more recent Star Trek series have had abortion episodes (I immediately thought of TNG where Deanna Troi is basically raped by a ball of light and then insists on "having this baby" even though it's an alien lifeform that wants to discover what it is to be human—or something):

Some examples from season one: in the first episode, it deals with a woman who has a miscarriage due to syphilis, and later a woman who has had multiple stillbirths and is terrified about being pregnant again in her 40s.

Pronoun check:"As did my siblings and I."

Amen. I've been several different weights, so I am amazed by the differences in how people treat me when I'm thinner. For me, the worst is having to hear the "oh! You look so good now!" comments from people who previously concern-trolled me about my weight or, in the case of a certain in-law, out-an-out rejected me

Going to look for these. I usually just use plain old ordinary seitan or braised gluten, but I am always up for more fake meat.

I know this is an older comment, but this has really made me wonder whether anti-depressant use has messed with my facial muscles (mainly my masseters, which are in a constant state of spasm). If that is the case, you may have helped explain the causes of a very painful and expensive problem for me.

I feel the same way about having my stomach exposed—I just want to cross my arms over it. I just feel cold and naked.

Eh, maybe. Maybe if I had said something to her, the yes. I get what you're saying, though re: judging other people's body issues. I should mention that I put up with her posting stuff about how we tolerate too much fat on women for a while (and getting loads of positive feedback for it, too), so there was more to it

Ugh. So much, "people self segregate" and "blacks and whites have different cultures" stuff over there. Really disgusting.

Thank you for this. I recently had to unfollow someone on because her daily affirmation was posting, "I will have bikini body! I choose to have bikini body!" over and over again to many positive comments.