
In the same way that saying something isn't a game doesn't make it not a game, saying something is a game doesn't automatically make it a game.

You're right, of course, that "it's not a game" is frequently used to describe games people find uncomfortable or do not enjoy. But at the same time, words exist to describe and categorize things so we can understand them; at some point we have to agree on what is and is not a game. This is a conversation taking place

Classic. You were provided very clear examples which debunk your assertion, and in response you pick up your toys and leave the sandbox.

I shouldn't have to go and make my own article, and I can demand less sexualization of men while at the same time recognizing the sexualization of women. This is the challenge people like you will have to face in your quest for equality: your issues aren't the only ones of importance and by focusing on compartmental

Better, but you're only insisting that your opinion is correct and that mine is not—which is fine, but let's not pretend that anything being said or discussed here is anything more than subjective. There can be no right or wrong here, and arguing from a position of "if you don't think like me, there's nothing to

What a fantastic point you bring to the table. I'm so thankful for your astute contributions to the discussion.

My bucket is off to you, trooper!

"Because you're worth it..."

I have a brother who is alive today "because of the A-10."

/waggle waggle

Throw in debilitating conditions like depression and social anxiety, and it gets even worse. No amount of "work hard" and "make it happen" is going to help you when you can't perform functions others take for granted.

We're watching the decline of Ubisoft and the resurgence of Bioware, and I couldn't be happier.

Just Cause 2 gave me some serious simulation sickness, but Maker it was super fun!

Press embargoes and a games press that drops the story when the new shiny comes around. That's how.

I'd love to talk to you about how my time in SL (almost 5 years now) has allowed me—someone with crippling social anxiety—to not only make friends, but meaningful social relationships as well as find myself as a contributing member of some great communities.

I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not.

It's difficult to be "ooh'ed" and "awed" by this when it's so transparently a commercial...

I'm not sure if my body is ready for this or not, but it's going to have to be. I'm going to play the shit out of this game now that I've finally finished DA2!

Oh, squiggly line in my eye...