The weapons appear in a chest next to the bed when you wake up in Haven for the first time. I don't have the deluxe edition, so I can't answer about the armor.
Enemies respawn, depending on what activities you do.
Using the Korean VPN, I've been playing for the last six hours or so. Absolutely in love with Inquisition; the old Bioware is back!
I admit. I cried in the theater. That movie was so touching and this animation brought back all the good feels.
Gasp! The Canadian Devil, Beelzaboot!
That was the intent. ;)
On the contrary, I live in an area 'infested' with squirrels. I happen to be the Squirrel Whisperer, however, and can call them at will.
Oh puff. With so many nuts from which to choose, I say I'd be suspicious of any creature which wonts for mine. Evil? No. Stupid? Indeed.
I believe in the Star Wars Maker, but the Dragon Age Maker works too. #dontsmitemeandraste
Sir Reginald McFluffybutt is very beautiful, but not the most. He will have to abide in this instance or it will come to fisticuffs.
Nay! Naaaaay!
I take umbrage at your suggestion that squirrels are jerks! That, sir, I cannot abide! Squirrels are fluffy critters of materialized cuteness and you should be ashamed of yourself—nay—appalled by your denigration of the Maker's most beautiful animals.
QUOTE | "Great games aren't commodity products that can be reliably manufactured from a recipe." - Riot Games CEO Brandon Beck, talking about why he thinks great people are the most important thing a great game company needs.
QUOTE | "It's harder to make games for casuals than for hardcore gamers." - Assassin's Creed Unity director Marc Albinet, explaining that casual games force devs to better understand their players.
I wouldn't know. I'm not really in a position to define anything. I wager you aren't either.