I would have murdered entire villages for a set of LEGO like that as a kid.
I would have murdered entire villages for a set of LEGO like that as a kid.
Believe it or not, George is perfect.
"We thought we could farm oodles of cash from the MOBA fad-fields, but forecasts are predicting drought for the foreseeable future."
Your flippant attitude is disgusting.
Very excited by this!
Maybe comedians should stop hiding behind "it's just comedy!"
How is this not already a thing?!
This is amazing. Gave me chills.
Want Japanese kids to eat their school lunches? Threaten them with American school lunches.
What these devs are basically doing is trying to rewrite the rules because their games aren't capable of existing within the rules. It's what artists do from generation to generation when their movements aren't recognized by the galleries. See: Futurist Manifesto.
But you're saying all this when I haven't made any of those assertions or suggestions. I simply asked to be shown "proof" (the process by which we formulate scientific fact) of the causal link. That's it. You took it upon yourself to characterize this request as a misunderstanding of science, of proof, of social…
The story is so up my alley, but the minimum requirements basically told me to sit on the bench.
Not necessarily. It's definitely possible, within the science as Assassin's Creed presents it, that a relative could exist outside their native timeline; we know that these memories can be manipulated in order to push a narrative (Black Flag) and that substantial aspects of the memories can be altered to suit the…
Thanks for the response. I think you're right: the research is necessary. I also agree it shouldn't be dismissed, and I thank you—sincerely—for linking me to articles upon request without resorting to snarky quips (as is so often the case when people request sources).
Sure. While I'm at it, might you take a course on how to be a nicer person? Now, I don't know why someone would be trying to catch flies, but I'm told you get more with honey.
I guess, given the flaky "science" surrounding the genetic memory experience, this sort of thing would make sense; I mean, at some point those lines of ancestry might start to merge and fuse together, making for a really confusing experience for the user. This could be cool, provided they load it up with relevant…
I can't access the first article. Is there a way to review it without having to purchase the license?
When I replied, the links weren't available: the post was grayed. Reading now.
Yeah, I've heard that said quite often, but I'm still waiting to be shown the study which proves it. It seems to me that if we accept that sexist games make men more tolerant of sexual harassment (with surprisingly no mention of how it affects women when men are objectified), then we must also accept that violent…
For once I'd like to see a peer-reviewed study which confirms this silly notion that sexist games make sexist people—or that misogynistic tropes lead to misogynistic behavior. As far as I'm aware, there is zero evidence to support this claim, and unless or until a link can be made between these tropes and actual…