
Same. He instantly became my favorite Star Wars character; I read all of the books—including the Hand of Thrawn duology—and even joined the 501st Legion as Thrawn. He's one of my favorite characters of all time, and it's crazy to think I was introduced to him by this amazing game. Thank you, TIE Fighter!

Because Tie Fighter was pretty much perfect. It was everything a space shooter ever needed to be. And still is.

One word: Thrawn.


Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Oh, thank the Maker. My favorite part can still be naked. :P

I had no idea Twitch had become Chat Roulette lite.

WHAT?! Is it my birthday?! What did I do to deserve such amazing news!?

Leveled up with Mercenary (love the claymore) and have recently picked up Anger and Cook.

It became a gaming issue when it was brought to a gaming outlet.

Just back for a good old-fashioned "Told ya so!"

I'm not a fan of the series, but seeing it come to an end definitely feels like the passing of an era.

No, I got the sarcasm. He/She means to suggest that interactive mediums are good for changing the way people think about an issue. My response, however, means to suggest that gamers—as a large community—generally don't care about your issues.

It bothers me that we compartmentalize and differentiate levels of violence and abuse of power. I think that's part of the problem...

The same people who question whether or not gamers care more about issues or just playing fun games.

Must have.

I'm in love with this! Didn't know anything like these boxes existed. Thank you!

Agreed. :)

Then we have to agree to disagree.

I like you, Arnheim, for the record. I like that I can come to Kotaku—where I'm typically in the ideological minority—and have a reasoned, enlightening discussion with someone with whom I frequently disagree. I can walk away knowing I said what I felt I needed to say, in a respectful, if passionate tone, and I can