
Wait, your roommate let that wee little dog run loose near ocean waves? Not cool.

I'd add that they shouldn't even really advertise those deals. Just let Malaysia Airlines keep coming up as the cheapest option on people's searches. Low profile.

The only way forward for them was to offer really excellent deals and excellent service for a good long while. Say 2 years. Cheapskates would take the bait, and word-of-mouth plus mental compartmentalization/amnesia would take it from there.

His body of work is truly impressive.

I feel it's necessary to point out that they rehearsed those moves and raps before shooting the videos. Probably a lot. Which takes this thing to a whole other level of puke.

To save everyone the trouble of looking it up.

Yeah. Thanks Angelina!

I just posted the comment below. C.A. will delete it.

C.A., you shat on Quebec's language laws without even attempting to understand the history and issues behind them. Therefore it is hypocritical of you to bitch about anyone not attempting to understand Ferguson.

That crossed my mind too.

Wow. He seems REALLY insecure and immature.

Anyone looking for a good BBC period piece? Check out The Best of Men.

Because the USA puts itself out there as the world's policeman/saviour, especially in that part of the world. The USA raised those expectations.

Much the same as now, I think. I say that because it's so striking how facial features travel down the generations. You definitely see it in the Barrymore family, for a famous example, but also looking through old family photos. That didn't start with the invention of photography, so I assume our faces go way, way

They never can. Ugh.

YES. "Brutally honest" definitely resonates.

Heh. They only notice you when you're not there to provide an audience anymore.