
I can see how medicine might attract some pretty toxic personalities. And then med school itself probably doesn't help.

Oh yeah, the professional sick person! I've definitely known a few of those. And professional problem-havers. Having a problem is a great way to keep attention focused on yourself.

Do toxic people know they are toxic or do they really have no idea?

1. Generally it just feels reeeallllly good to have a penis inside you, if you are into the person it's attached to and you are sufficiently turned on. Some women do orgasm from it but even if they don't, they usually get a lot of pleasure. And sometimes it's about an emotional connection. Best-case, it's all of


I did much the same thing in 1999 and went from Toronto to Australia. I stayed 4 years.

Jesus Christ that pisses me off.

You should. Can you share it with the world somehow? Not sure what the copyright/legal issues would be though.

That's a sweet ending to the story.

You don't write laws to cover one specific case after the fact.

People planning to have human babies should do at least as much, too.

I had to learn & practice giving my cat insulin injections last night and the first time I tried to stick the needle in, I could. not. do. it.

A lot of people who abuse their family members still get to keep their jobs, so.

Yes. There are some nanny-cam abuse videos that caught me off guard and now I always avoid them.

I think that what people do in their worst moments (when they're really angry, stressed, etc) tells you who they really are, much more than what they do at their best moments. And what they do to the less powerful when they think no one is watching is the best indicator of all.

C.A. Pinkham has personal issues to work out and has chosen Canada as a target.

You are Nomadikat.

That's your big comeback?

Asshole, there is a whole history and cultural legacy behind those language laws that you clearly know nothing about. Since when is it OK to shit on another culture's practices? Do you go into Mexican neighbourhoods and tell them they're "fucking stupid" because they do things you don't understand? How about First

Don't even go there...Quebec doesn't give a shit how you feel about its language laws.