
Back in the day, Tim Horton's doughnuts were actually pretty good. They baked them on-site. I think it was in the 1990s that TH started really aggressively going after the coffee market, and more recently the fast food market, really turning to shit in the process. But dear god have they managed to embed themselves

What are you feeling awkward about, re: massage? Body-weirdness-wise, healthcare professionals have seen it ALL. Plus they only uncover sections of you at a time, so they don't get a look at your overall situation. Or is it something else?

OK, no one is going to read this, but anyway: American movies to do getting-around-Paris scenes wrong. E.g. people taking taxis not the Metro*, people picking up their children from school in great big black SUVs.

Some of us don't need to imagine that.

Where in Iceland? How old is the house?

Or like being a small kid in bed on summer nights, hearing the older kids still playing outside :(

Where are you? US?

Ugh. I would as Low Contact with them as you can. Save yourself the grief.

Don't let her move in with you. Ever.

Nope. As it happens, I have read a lot of literature on this subject. Across the board, in all areas of the world, women are the primary unpaid caregivers to seniors.

I had Boomer-awful parents too. The details are different from your story but the emotional dynamics are very similar, right down to the relationship with my one sibling (and her maintaining contact with our parents while I've gone no-contact). Looking back at 47, now with some idea of what decent parenting should

Youngest *daughter*, I assume.

I say: get the fuck out of there. Go live your own life. Let the chips fall where they may. After 20 years you have more than earned that. And do not spend a single second listening to your siblings complain when they have to pick up the pieces. FUCK THAT.

What. the. fuck.

Also the map so you know WHERE you are, where you came from, and where you're going.

Not little teksavvy and Eastlink I hope!

OK but who's doing it now? Just the usual suspects I assume.

The CRTC is fucking us over so bad.


I wish these two women had no particular reason to be in contact with each other.