
Absolutely, the logistics of having even ONE kid involved in sports seem like a nightmare, in addition to costs.

Is cost a factor for the decline in Black participation? I don't really follow any sports but from what I have heard, it's staggering what kids' sports cost these days, with equipment, various fees, etc. Of course as incomes decline, many families just can't manage it, so kids don't get to do it. And that has

Someone needed to say it.

I fully expect my sister to do this with the stray dog she picked up last year. It's a sweet little thing but it desperately needs some training to be able to settle into the household. That requires a consistent effort on my sister's part so it definitely won't happen. Instead she is crating it for far too long

I know, I live in Ontario. I'm pretty sure the HPV shots are free here though. But then I go to a clinic that serves a population that includes sex workers, so my experience may be skewed.

Thanks. Someone needed to say it.

That's the thing, you don't have to look far away or far back in time to find other incidents like this. G8/G20, Occupy, whatever that Bundy thing was, Ferguson - the state is well-equipped to squash dissent, and even eager to do so. Yet many people still don't see it and thus do nothing, even do shit like vote for

I didn't know that about the phones. Great. "We must get rid of these weapons of mass documentation."

Peacekeepers? Where are you getting that idea from?

I've always thought that shows like Orange Is The New Black had a propaganda element to them, and the purpose is to normalize the idea of being in jail. That has already been achieved for men, so now OITNB does it for women.

Based on what I saw of this kid's Vines, she is extremely self-absorbed and spoiled. The fight could have broken out over a simple 'no' about something.

Side question: are nursing home staff aware that some of the residents can be absolute nightmares with their family members and that's why family doesn't visit? My grandmother is like that - sweet as pie to the staff and other 'outsiders' but the moment I'm alone with her she turns toxic. So I stay away.

I think more than typically self-absorbed. I'm thinking spoiled brat, although I would not have predicted murder.

I kinda remember those. She's brilliant but the commercials are really hokey.

I gotta disagree, for little North's sake.

But look at how Paris/French culture is portrayed in so many American movies and TV shows.

Of course you are right. Sigh.

I've been to Iceland twice and plan to go back. It's wonderful. You guys have a great thing going there, so whatever you need to do to protect it, carry on!

Anthony Bourdain checked out a French school lunch on one of his shows. For LESS money than the typical American school lunch, the kids got from-scratch balanced meals prepared by a chef. The meals, and challenging the kids' taste buds, were considered part of the school curriculum. None of this "they won't eat