
In an ideal world, your general points make perfect sense. You can’t call yourself “Christian” and spew bigoted shit at the same time. ‘Cause Christ basically said “Be nice to each other. Peace be with you.” right?

I also said I would kill you last. That’s still . . . up in the air.

Yeah, no, I hope that asshole left with Gawker. The chicken comment made me think you were that guy under a different username (we have trolls with 17 accounts), or at least a copycat of him.

You’re assuming he hasn’t already been doing that.

His attitude/comments in real life make it hard to watch him now, is what I think he’s getting at. Baldwin turned out to be kind of an actual dick.

His attitude/comments in real life make it hard to watch him now, is what I think he’s getting at. Baldwin turned

Guess her coupon game just wasn’t raw enough.

kfc is some chump ass shit where is the damn popeye’s

Make Baseball Racist Again.

Seems to me they’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.

You do realize Lucas didn’t make Force Awakens right?

Yes the director makes the cameo instead of the pissy old man who poopoo’d the whole project passive agressively from afar.

I came here to say this.

I came here to say this.

You didn’t recognize Jeri Ryan?


I almost bit on that you magnificent bastard.