
Hey guys, remember when we used to post episode reviews for Discovery and we chose the person who absolutely hated the show to write them? Classsic.  Let’s get back to that!

If the last line of the Flash isn’t “its all my fault” the whole 9 years was for nothing.

If we stopped enjoying art because the artist was a shitty person there would be very little to enjoy.

I really hope Nebula starts becoming more like the variant seen in What If?

Tempted to get this for Switch so I can more easily play with my daughter.  Is the Switch version comparable to other platforms or is it considerably worse? 

I’m tempted to get one, just because I can, even though I would prefer a PS5.

Exactly - I have high hopes that they will get this right. The final film of the Kelvin timeline made Kirk - and really the whole team - seem much more like the crew we are used to and love, but not completely. I’m very much looking forward to this.

I was all in until realizing it was PC and not console.

Alien Resurrection has a lot of positive aspects that get really overlooked.  Its no masterpiece, but its not an AvP-level turd.

The visuals are damn outstanding.  I love them.

Basically this was the post-Isaac Hayes episode of South Park for Trek.

Legends disappointed me by making Bishop a character I wanted to see again and then killing him off.

I walked out feeling positive but as time passed I realized how much of a dumpster fire it was.

If the Republican can’t end slavery, what are the Jedi supposed to do about it?

Honestly, the best thing to do would be to show the New Republic attempting to rebuild - AGAIN - amidst a growing threat of a criminal mega-syndicate that has united many of the disparate warlords and other smaller syndicates that have grown in power, since the Empire, and later, the First Order were destroyed. The

((Creates demand and perfect storm for piracy))

I can’t tell if this season is masterfully complex or if Chibnall is pulling a DeBlasio and making as much of a mess as possible before his time is over.


I had completely forgotten about the Division, and if I hadn’t read this recap, would have had no idea it tied into anything.  Was there something in the episode to remind people?  Honestly, I fell asleep at some point.  All the nonsense became like a white noise machine.

Batwoman: If Ryan could maybe show a little compassion and empathy towards Beth, clearly a victim of Safiyah’s order to create the Alice personality, that would be great. Her hate for Alice is understandable, but there needs to be recognition of the person who lived through hell as a physical prisoner only to become a