
Yeah! How dare they have the person most qualified to say these things try to prevent a friend from making the same mistakes and fall prey to the same vulnerabilities? Its like smokers telling people not to smoke. These hypocrites should just let their friends get emphysema and lung cancer, because a persons choices

Zero interest in Clarice.

A post-DS9 rehabilitation of Section 31 with Garak (consultant?) would be the greatest thing ever.

So glad this is happening. His one season was short but so incredibly impactful.

And then they cancelled Dark Matter.

I read this as Grogu will be part of the cast.  I guess I need my baby Yoda fix.

Ahsoka wants ... to locate both Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra Bridger, who vanished into the unknown regions in the animated series’ climax.

You guys are shocked because macarons have become commonplace items now, and a lot cheaper than they used to be. I remember pricing from La Maison du Chocolat around 10 years ago.   As K2SO would say, it’s high.  It’s very high.

Georgiou’s issue seems clear to me, so I’m sure it won’t play out. BUT, my take on it is that she’s coming to terms with trauma and the resurfacing of her conscience, triggered by the director of Naked Lunch figuring out that she actually gives a shit about someone, and how that’s a terrifying liability for her, after

To me, the whole point of a console is couch gaming on a TV.  If you need to game on a monitor, likely at a desk in an office-style chair you might as well just get a PC and join the 4th reich or whatever name they’re using for their master race.

To me, the whole point of a console is couch gaming on a TV.  If you need to game on a monitor, likely at a desk in

So hows about that Voyager Easter Egg? No, not the ship. The OTHER Easter Egg.

May the fleece be with you.

Old school WALL-E is back!

I’m using my Pixel 2XL from 2017 without issues, and I have no intention to updgrade in the near future.

Well yeah, it was funny - in a very dark, morbid way.

This would never happen with an iPhone.

This is where my interest dropped to zero: Arcade1Up will operate a private and curated online store allowing new board games to be purchased if the included lineup starts to get boring—and not necessarily just A-list titles.

Every new piece of PS5 information makes me want this thing less.

I never said I owned the ‘new' 3DS, but you either can't read, didn't read thoroughly, or just made an assumption.

Thanks - I did immediately go to Rebble.  The problem isn’t on their side - it was on Android’s.  Google effectively wrecked the notification system.