
So this week has given us cancellations of Happy and Deadly Class, and reminders that Killjoys, and the Netflix MCU are in their dying days. Yeah, seems kind of pointless to get invested in any shows these days.

As pathetic as this lawsuit is, there was no call for being shitty in the opener. Maiden isn’t an aging band, they’re metal icons that have had an amazing run for decades. They deserve more respect for their work.

The whole franchise died with Cole. Everything that followed was somewhat fun but terribly written fanfic.

99% angsty CGI mitochondria

while Jean’s physical absence is new, her narrative absence from the moment in favor of focusing on Xavier and Magneto’s dynamic is not. That, more than anything else, is what made The Last Stand’s take on the Dark Phoenix story so awful

Just drop this to $5 so my cheap ass can but it guilt free.

With all of their wealth and resources you would think they could hire a couple of decent voice actors. Seriously, why are all of the English voice actors in Japanese games SO BAD?  I’d rather listen to William Shatner playing every role.

The Flash killed off the only character I actually gave a crap about (Nora) so at this point, with Arrow going away, my only interest in the show is for Crisis.

Look its that same patch of trees thats been in every SyFy show 

I posted this on the AV Club recap, but what the hell, may as well here too.

Regardless of the terrible things that have happened on this show in the past, this may be the breaking point for me where I stop watching this show. (Probably not but let’s see) It’s not enough to say that Barry Allen is the worst. That almost sounds cute, like ha ha you’re the worst. No. BA is just a terrible, toxic

No. No intermissions until EVERY theater has assigned seating. Why? Because unless seats are reserved there will be fights over who was sitting where when pee breaks are done. People like myself who more often than not go to films alone don’t have someone to protect their seat from poachers.  Even without that, you’re

Was it cold in that photo?

But does Michonne hate sand?

I guess this explains why my enthusiasm rapidly devolves into disappointment.  I always wanted a 3D Streets of Rage, and I also love horror and B movies and gun kata so this series seemed to fit the bill, but then it just became all combo and enemy pattern dependent, and I just lost interest.  Yet when a new game

I feel the same way.

Apple TV?  Guess I’m never seeing this.

Some might call this trivial, but a key difference for me is the soundtrack - F-Zero’s soundtrack is, admittedly only for me, awful in a way that ruins the whole experience.  

I thought I would enjoy Roguelike games, I wanted to... and I just wound up hating the concept.  Back in the day when I had lots of free time I might have appreciated the concept more, but now it just feels like unnecessary frustration.

You dumb bastard, its a schooner