
What does that have to do with the misogynistic shitpost I was replying to?

Please please please retcon the whole Talosian ending for Pike.  There’s nothing in Trek canon that prevents his return to service, and if Culber can return from the dead, Section 31 can find a way to repair his body.

I’d be one of them.  Having Constantine in the crew has been great.

The last episode of The Orville was legitimately excellent.

I would buy this remake the moment it was released.

No game is worth $500, forget about an item within a game.

No Sugar Rush?  :’(

Why?  Because it seems like each Moclan story is building to a rift between the Union and the Moclans, with Bortus trying to find his place, knowing one day he’ll have to make a choice, and slowly coming to realize that he’s going to side against his people.

I have a feeling this is building up to an undoing of Topa’s surgery and all out war with the Moclans as a season finale/3rd season premiere.

Don’t you know you’re supposed to know every reference to every form of entertainment for all time, forwards and back? Otherwise how else are you going to get it when someone shames your favorite thing for falling prey to some trope you never heard of and don’t agree with?

The seeds for Hugh’s return were intentionally planted last season. This should not be that much of a surprise. FFS ST3 is based entirely on this idea.

Has the awful news of Into the Badlands’ cancellation been announced here?

VIDEO GAMES ARE A BUSINESS, NONE OF IT IS ALTRUISTIC. Every decision is made to provide for the target audience, and hey, that target audience is now even more inclusive than it has been for many years.

I’m not trying to be a dick about it, its just that altruism is wonderful, but its not how one measures the state of

What if I told you nobody really gave a fuck about Iris’ job?

The previews leading up to it we're SO BAD.

I love trackball mice but they are far too expensive, especially if you want something with more than just the basic 3 buttons.  The MX Ergo would be great if it were $25-$30 cheaper, but is, for me, completely unjustifiable at that price point.

I love trackball mice but they are far too expensive, especially if you want something with more than just the basic

Counterpoint: dealing with assholes who need to be up your ass like a proctologist, even in the slow lane, and then feel the need to weave through traffic like they’re a needle being threaded by a seamtress on acid, can get to a person after a while.  So regardless of the bumper sticker, if I had to pick a side it

including a scathing intro from Ellison himself

including a scathing intro from Ellison himself

Well what I’m thinking right now is I don’t remember what my feelings were at the time I made my comment, which was 3 1/2 years ago.  I’ll get back to you.