
Is there anything in labo besides cardboard and ink to justify its seriously high price point?

Well, guess I wont be rushing out to pick this one up.

That’s a global adjustment that will adversely affect everything else.

Its bullshit. You don’t need to go to great lengths, just a few references here and there. Show Avengers tower in NY. Have Jessica Jones flip it the bird or something.

Ah but Janelle Monae indicated that Tessa was her love interest.

Isn’t Tessa Thompson pretty much everyone’s love interest? Just sayin’ - lots of competition to work through.

Anyone know why this wasn’t aired in NYC yesterday? It was missing from my DVR. This happened before, only to be shown on Saturday.

Finally, a woman of color can be blamed for ruining our childhood!

So... zombies then?

I don’t think I’ve ever watched a more self-satisfied, obnoxious episode of television in my life.

That’s not what I asked. I didn’t ask if Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes played the security people either. I asked if they were actually in character as Jay and Silent Bob - as in the Askewniverse characters - or if they were just random guys.

Was that actually Jay and Silent Bob or people who bear striking similarities?

What did Amayanoyingorwhat do that was so great besides go on a drug bender and find out that they needed to form Voltron? Seriously, why didn’t she think of this on day 1?

Oh no. He was just awful in his last episode.

Legends of Tomorrow


Han suggests in A New Hope that the Imperials built vessels on the planet (big ships that he boasts he could outrun).

Gonk is mother. Gonk is father. GONK IS THE GREATEST.

I still can’t stand Nate. They should both be kicked off. And seriously, this show needs to stop having characters randomly get into their costumes. Just let them do their thing in casual wear.

I tried... I really tried to read this book and I just couldn’t finish it.