
So... still no continuation for SGU, SGA? No fucks to give, have I.

There was a lot of b......b....b....b....b....blubbering by DJ, like he was trying to let them know he got BB-8 into position. Or maybe that’s just how I read it.

My interpretation was there were many preparatory steps implemented so that the Admiral basically just needed to control the ship like she was playing Diablo - point and click. Point at Star Destroyer, initiate warp, click

Be glad it went unmentioned in the worst of TV.

Almost anything is better than Season 1 but the show is still really, really stupid. In Season 3 they fully acknowledge it and run with it.

In a sense I disagree with the notion that it is not made for people of your (and my) generation. It is - just not in the way we would like. We’re at an age when its time to start letting go of the people we grew up with, our personal heroes. The older members of our families. Its a sobering reminder that the deaths

Wait wait. This is it.

Honestly, apart from the R rating, a Tarantino Trek might be exactly what this franchise needs. My take on this is he’s extremely frustrated with the way this franchise has been mismanaged. The last batch of films have been disappointing - I would say going as far back as ST:6 (sorry First Contact, I have serious

Every time I see this headline I get pissed off. Why?

Oh, I thought by ships you meant like the Shenzhou or K’s Spinner :(

Arby’s fries > McDonald’s fries

Music licensing is absurd and stupid. If you license music for use in a property then you should accept that it will travel with that property in all its forms, including home video release.

I didn’t think any reviews could be more wrong than io9'’s Trek Discovery reviews, and then this happened.

Dollhouse became... a different show in a way. You need to watch the beginning episodes to understand the character’s awakening. When you realize where the show is ultimately heading.... WOW.

So in other words you would have loved the shit out of a Pebble.

No pedo watch for me, thanks

This photo is better than anything I saw from Inhumans.

I’m more concerned with who’s replacing Eddie Murphy as the dragon.