
It wouldn’t be the internet without a knee-jerk scolding and/or a lmgtfy link - because nothing says I don’t want to put the effort into being nice and providing an answer like going through the extra effort of making a lmgtfy link.

Why isn’t this part of the article??

This trailer is a perfect summation of why I stopped watching anime.

Can we have a program like this in office environments?

I swear, if you people just spoiled No Country for Old Men for me...

Seriously, where was this level of criticism when First Contact came out? That movie is an absolute travesty, for the most part. No it didn’t contradict canon, but it stretched it to the breaking point.

No. Its really easy. Watch.

Go out, kick the living shit out of someone and then when they’re about done say sorry, you’re just kind of bland.

I don’t hate this show.

I assumed it was extra noise to attract the herd.

Wasnt he out of ammo?

I don’t mean any disrespect, truly I don’t, but I am finding that I vehemently disagree with your reviews in general. This is just me, and my opinion, I realize that, but... I dunno, I guess I got used to this site mirroring my own likes and dislikes, but between this and the scathing review of the last episode of

So how does one get a double rainbow saber?

I have two pieces of info: that image and CW, therefore I can say this show will be about making a scantily clad busty Asian girl wear pigtails and kick ass while cracking wise and making way too many pop culture references.

Legends has only gotten good now that they have fully embraced how much they suck.

You sure you don’t mean Flash?

The real question isn’t how this will all effect Arrow going forward.—it’s more about how long Arrow thinks it will be able to keep it up.

I wish this appeared in TFA

Wait - arrow was on last night? My DVR didn’t record it.

I don’t understand the meaning of “pear shaped”. In fact, one of history’s greatest philosophers, Sir Mix A Lot, would say that a pear’s shape is perfection.