
I have the complete opposite desire in terms of time setting. I’d much prefer a contemporary setting.

I watched this once many, many years ago, but I remember it being VERY good.

I have a feeling that Missy’s transformation is the real deal and John Simm’s presence is like Head Baltar, who will ultimately lead Missy back to evil in the most heartbreaking way possible.

Still not paying for CBS streaming service. Not a chance. That’s not to say I plan on finding an “alternate” means. If those are my options I just won’t watch it.

Badonkadonk City?


No. Ferdinand is not a nice person. He’s a horrble, twisted fuck and they showed him for what he is. Was it horrible? Yeah. Sexist? I didn’t see it that way at all, at least not from anything beyond what I would expect from this character. If something like this happened to a male character people would say

Legends is wacky. Got Ham is batshit insane.

My current laptop probably can’t play games on the highest settings or do heavy video editing.


All of the feedback I’ve received from Surface owners is about how it is a fully functional laptop replacement, so what is it that is missing? I can’t seem to find that answer in this review.

OK fine, douche in a duster.

I haven’t watched the other films yet, but I eagerly await the inevitable Sharknebula.

Dante’s the kind of douchebag who wears a jacket and no shirt. He always looks weird.

I’m not disagreeing, its just that if this were a new show (as opposed to one I’d already loved) I’m not sure if I would have started watching. There’s too much on and not enough time, so... something’s gotta give.

Serialized storytelling is, for the most part, all I really am interested in at this time. Dr. Who only gets a pass for stand alone episodes because I’ve always loved it.

Didn’t Spider Man do it first?

I may actually get that Metroid 3DS game.

Kirby your enthusiasm.