
I dunno, this is the only thing I can think of when I think of Enid

Meanwhile, Marc Guggenheim promises a surprise character will make an appearance on Legends:

From the people who thought it was a great idea to not include 4K Blu Ray in the 4K PS4 Pro comes a haphazardly rushed VENOM!

Or maybe its a more binge-worthy schedule? Just a thought.

They’re not pants.

Everything needs more Kat Dennings.

Dumping of two of its heroes major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isnt great.

Unfortunate? Sure. That said, this was the best SW film since Jedi (and arguably, Empire) so I’m not going to lose my shit over this.

It will be must watch once it’s on Blu Ray. The price I paid for season 1 of Ash vs Evil Dead on Blu Ray was about the same as it would be for 1 month of Starz.

Oliver’s flashbacks should end after this season. Everyone else still has an unexplored past...

I am ok with this.

Only if we get CGI Raul Julia

You have failed this Christmas.

Jeffrey Combs is one of those guys that just makes everything better.

I saw Logan tonight, and the version shown before the film was considerably shorter.

DS9 got it right more often than not. Sre there were fuck tons of forehead bumps, but body language always made it through.

So, those two golfing dudes Rick and Michonne murdered. Were they Saviors, or just two guys?

So basically in episode 1 he’s the captain until he dies horribly and then Sasha takes over as Cap.

If Chopper dies we riot

Why is this child reading Ghost in the Shell? Dude, this isn’t a kid’s story!