
You’ll be sacrificing sleep no matter what. If you crave any semblance of sanity you’ll be giving some gaming up.

I have one and my PS4 routine is turn on game, play for 30 seconds, pass out. If you have game playing time during waking hours then please pass along the secrets of this minor miracle.

What, you don’t like the space Dorito?

That trio of images should be printed onto shirts and handed out at every Trek con, though the facepalm needs to be much bigger.

Powerless was a fantastic show when it was called Better Off Ted.

So when you break into someone’s house run the script asap.

My ideas. Ryan Murphy, you owe me a beer if you use these.

He’s a billionaire, so I don’t expect him to have my cheapness, but i’ve used Barbasol with my safety razor and I have no fucks to give about the “right” way. Blades are cheap. Barbasol was cheap. End of story. Worked for me :)

Hedgehog or burger joint?

It did?

Wait, people didn’t recognize the music when they saw the film?

So how do we install something that can’t be installed? This sounds like a Lovecraftian path to sanity loss.

Seriously, Star Trek fell into this trap HARD towards the end, with TNG, DS9, and Voyager having a ton of A story/B story episodes where neither the A or B felt worthy of attention.

Is anyone watching this to see how closely it adheres to canon? I mean... honestly... really?

People Keep Finding Coins in Their MacBooks and Nobody Knows Why They Bought a MacBook in the First Place

Hugh Dancy - you are my hero.

Is this the remaster with new sfx or the original original?

Is this the remaster with new sfx or the original original?