
Or stop being shitty about leftovers. Lots of people are leftover-phobic.

So put less on the plate.

Put less on the plate.

Or find a way to avoid being wasteful.

It turns out he’s a secret luchador, named El Mucho Macho Muchacho, who, unlike the luchador on Heroes, doesn’t suck.

Feeling obligated to finish one’s plate could come from a desire to not be wasteful.

Luke’s family got s’mored, and his only friend was taken out at the Death Star. And he never got his damn power converters.

Does anyone else feel like Luke got the short end of the stick? Padthai dies on the bed, Jimmy Smits is like OK I’ll take the girl and she can live like royalty, but uhh... that other one can do live in the desert. Really?

I’d watch the shit out of this movie.

yeah, umm

Grown up Poison Ivy? Time jump?

Firefly: Voyager would be where it starts going downhill, and then when Zac Efron gets cast as Mal in the reboot, it just goes straight in the crapper.

Rey’s theme was great, as was the music for Han’s end and the final scene. The rest didn’t stand out but wasn’t BAD. It was appropriate enough.

This song is terrible on so, so many levels.

No one is going to buy a Pillsbury cookie dough-sized cylinder of creme.

You know what else had great effects?

Yeah, uh, thanks for that, I guess. Why don’t we remind everyone of Highlander 2 while we’re at it?

I’m not trying to be that guy, but sometimes I feel like if there were ever a polar opposite to a judgement-free zone it would be this site.

Nobody said Bothans didn’t die the first time around. Just sayin.