
So bring em back to AoS. Boom. Done.

Not gonna lie, it’s stupid to the end.

Rebels started out poorly. Very much so. It is FAR from the show it started out as, and this is a VERY good thing.

If you didn’t like TFA, I can’t change your mind, though I will disagree - I thought it was great. Have you seen Rebels recently?

Given the level of quality we’ve seen in most new SW material, I have a good feeling about Rogue One.

Marvel execs be like

Did you actually watch the posted video?

I love the Star Track.

It’s good, but I’ll wait until it’s actually $20.

It’s good, but I’ll wait until it’s actually $20.

That’s not what I mean by living beyond one’s means, but you make a valid point about unexpected financial burdens.

Don’t live beyond your means and you won’t stress out. If you need more money then determine what it would take to get from here to there and make it happen.

I wouldn’t say they gave it a reason to exist. They were the first to bring it to the commercial market. Being first is great, but that does not make it illegal for other phone manufacturers to also use the same glass.

Well, that’s only partly true.

Is there an agreement that only Apple can use Gorilla Glass?

Punishment to those who allow it to happen, and implementation of policies designed to prevent it. Isolation of the more violent offenders.


The ship gets damaged in every movie, sometimes very badly. This was TORN APART kind of damage.

The trailers show the entire ship being torn apart - nacelles, dish saucer, etc. You don’t take that to the garage for a tune up.