
When You Need a Budget is on Steam Sale I miss it every time. When I finally see a post about a Steam sale YNAB is $60. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU....

Unfortunately the only way those states are going to turn blue is if everyone holds their breath in protest.

Just because a game was released in 2014 that doesnt mean its undiscoverable in 2016.

I’m disappointed that this is not on the Vita but I loved the first so much that I’m fine with whatever form the sequel takes.

But at least you have feelings for me :)

Would that word be “beers”?

For you I will make a point of complaining about something every day.

HOLY SHIT PEOPLE, I DIDN’T PLAY THROUGH LAST OF US THAT FAR. I didn’t realize that was a pre-requisite for this game.

To be honest, I really wanted to love that game but it turned out to be a ton of sneaking and resource management.

I got the shit kicked out of me too many times in Last of Us, could not get very far. I’m not really good at the stealth thing.

I could not care less. I’m already a parent. I’m not looking to change poopy diapers and keep a kid out of harm’s way during my downtime.

In other words, the game is a giant escort mission?

Ummm, this price was knocked down on Sunday at pretty much every store; Amazon, Target, Best Buy, etc. I got my copy at Target for $40 with an extra 5% off with my Red Card.

Ummm, this price was knocked down on Sunday at pretty much every store; Amazon, Target, Best Buy, etc. I got my copy

This is now my favorite Kotaku comment ever.

Wait... wait wait wait

it was demonstrated by Jeri Ryan, Levar Burton and Karl Urban aka members of the current Star Trek movie crew.

Now that I’ve had a chance to watch some gameplay video I’m kind of sorry I never really gave this game a full chance. It also makes me realize that if Nintendo were to create a console with an expansion for cartridge reading hardware, I would snatch that thing up right away.

To me, when I played it back in the day, it wasn’t Doom. It was a Doom clone with some visual and thematic similarities.

Did it get canned? I guess I made the right decision clearing my DVR