
Better as Unicron than M. Bison

Wow. There’s a part of me that hopes this rumor is a lie, because if we COULD have had him but didn’t... I guess there’s always the road ahead.

But not for console :’(

But not for console :’(

I think it’s so they’re not tainted by the films.

Ugh, I KNOW. Jesus. What the hell, man?

They destroyed the Enterprise D with a god damn bird of prey. This is like taking KITT out with a smart car.

They missed the dead ferret on his lip. FAIL.

I actually find Generations to be worse than V, and the distance is kind of large.

Nothing will get me to say that the Excelsior looks dated.


Yes, it would be that bad.

Sure they come out with games for the 3DS. Games not everyone has an interest in playing. I bought a 3DS based on all of the OMG WOW GREATEST PLATFORM EVER BLEARGH hype, and what I see out there for the 3DS is a bunch of F’ing chibi cartoonish bullshit. Yeah I know, SMT4 isn’t chibi. Still not my kind of game. The

So when does Supergirl show up?

I have zero issues with this report.

Great. Well, between Transformers and Gotham there’s jail time for all.

Wasn’t this a TV show?

Wait, for real?

Don’t... forget... to... drink... your... Ovalt- DAMN IT, NOT AGAIN

No. Not the same. “Sugar” doesn’t indicate source, as many have already pointed out. The assumption is that sugar comes from sugar cane, but arguments like this make it easier for food suppliers to hide information.

After what Adult Swim did to Metalocalypse they can go eat a Costco pack of dicks. Expired dicks.

What? Captain America is really Sargent Slaughter??