
That ending pissed me off. The only thing that can redeem it is if Oliver Queen steps out and says this is all my fault.


Just get the damn phase 2 movies up there, for fucks sake, Netflix. (and also the rest of them)

Maybe someone found a way to release these as “Star Trek: visions” direct to DVD films, “alternate visions created by YOU” which allows everyone to profit.

Many years ago I was in a seedy dive strip bar, fairly gone, wearing a metal shirt (likely Slayer) and this guy, also drunk off his ass, was trying to do the metal horns with his hand (\m/) and yelling THE HORNS MAN, THE HORNS! Have we met again?


Better odds of survival than killing walkers all day.


Not just tech saavy, but any parents that may be watching. Ever since becoming a father I don’t see anything as it airs, and usually not even the same day. Forget about movies...

Yeah, I read that in Quark’s voice too.

the Tuesday 10:00 pm timeslot has been what the Hollywood Reporter calls long-troubled and a cancellation target for the last several seasons.

They were in the only Transformers movie.

Wait, WAT?

The films can make it work. Its simple. The AoS team already has a story arc in place for the season. Releases for films are pretty much set far in advance. So, tell the AoS team they need to have story points X, Y, and Z in place prior to the film’s release date. Blam. Done.

Its a single story line that crosses over comics, so why can’t there be a single book that encompasses the entire story?

But the annoyance comes through with having to have all of this knowledge in advance if you want to get the proper story.

I loved the mythology episodes. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was that this particular episode was fucking retarded.

I want an AC game that has the Animus get all screwed up and has super stabbyness going on in multiple time periods meshed together into some bizzarre, Inception-esque grotesque hellscape. Also needs aliens, Borg, and Cenobites. And a shark to jump over.

That finale was seriously some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen.