
That station is gorgeous. I didn’t think NK could impress me like that.

Sony shouldn’t have anything at this point, and Fox, while they’ve done well, should allow Marvel to start saying “mutant”

Actually, I don’t think she really did. She did better than Finn, but she was backed up with the Force. Still, she already knew how to fight, probably had to use a pipe against attackers more than once.

After Sony removed Ernie Hudson from the Ghostbusters cover I expected this from them, but not from Paramount. WTF guys?

No no, Idris Elba is being played by Chris Pratt.

Just a guess.

No other comment compares. Everyone - its time to pack up and go home.

If we had that kind of power, Firefly would still be on the air, as would TSCC and Community, and TBBT would be banned from the airwaves.

Everyone’s ignoring the obvious - SHE’S WEARING CLOTHING. Major Kusinagi needs to be near naked 99% of the time because reasons.

No, but everyone seems to have a boner for TOS era. I just want to see the series move forward.

Also, my lawn, can we tell those kids to get off it?

Star Trek Anthology series? I want to love it, but... I just feel like there’s going to be too much TOS era, not enough post DS9 era.

Just give C3P0 his damn memories back already.

This makes as much sense as not having Enterprise E in DS9, which is to say it’s total fucking corporate bullshit.

Here’s how to revitalize the franchise. Tell a different story. Forget about it just being about trying to kill John Connor or Sarah Connor. Think about the timeline itself being the enemy. TSCC was starting to go there and it was great. By this point the timeline has been messed with... who knows how many times. All

Mum, do I have an aluminium arse?

What a hoar.

Wait. It did what, now? Seriously?

Anyone got a full set of directions?

Who do you want to see with Peter Parker when Spider-Man swings into action in 2017?