
I’ve read Idris Elba’s comments about Marvel films and I don’t really get the impression that he hates doing them, but that he hates the way in which his schedule is handled. It sounds like he’s in the middle of something and then out of nowhere, with no time to prepare or adjust he’s whisked off to do a bit part with

I love the look on Palpatine’s face - it’s pure ‘oooooooh shit this guy gon’ fuck me up one day’

The ONLY bit that doesn’t work 100% for me is the one where I could swear I’m seeing Poussey from Orange is the New Black wearing a Pip Boy - and that’s not a cosplay issue as much as two pieces of unrelated cosplay coming together.

I really keep hoping Malcolm will somehow find that Captain Jack swagger and charm. Come on man, you got it in you!

I would like to believe that but unfortunately, as friends who live in other states have mentioned to me, this is very, very far from true. I agree with your sentiment - they are idiots. There are quite a lot of them out there though.

Anyone who doesn’t see the amazing job in this Moxxi cosplay is just blind - blinded by whatever. Yes, all of these images show excellent work, but I’m partial to that set in particular.

Hey, we can like or dislike different things :) Me? Hated his voice, but (and I know I’m going to get shit for this because I have in the past) I absolutely HATED the music once it went CD quality full Jpop.

The CW should be concerned about maintaining three shows the way it is...

For a fan, sure. For network execs? Remember when there were multiple Trek shows on, and quality (and ratings) tanked?

Sure there could. He could say OK, I’m going to back happy me up for when I’m ready to retire for reals.

Oh I agree. I don’t want there to be no more seasons of AC, I’m just not surprised it’s going this way.

I disagree wholeheartedly - there was a spark and a trusting bond from the start. This seemed like the natural end for these two.

Guys, was there any doubt once the other SHIELD spin off was greenlit?

But why didn’t he make a happy backup?

The moment Sonic spoke he was dead to me.

Seriously, I need that mercury to gauge the outside temperature.

Excellent, now the fish will not need to travel to get its unwanted antibiotics and medical waste.


I know, but really, this is a sequel to a movie that had Jeff Goldblum take out an alien mothership with a MacBook and sarcasm.

Welp, now you know who’s goin’ down