
So showing up and just being yourself isn’t enough?


Sorry, just couldn’t resist.

What we really need is a Missy/Alice Morgan team up.

Thanks Obama

The main reason I don’t have one is Samsung, in their infinite wisdom, only put 2 HDMI ports in my TV.

The main reason I don’t have one is Samsung, in their infinite wisdom, only put 2 HDMI ports in my TV.

Don’t believe them. That’s what THEY want you to believe! It’s a vast conspiracy to cover up the TRUTH! Hiller has been captured by the reptilian elite in the Illuminati for uncovering the true reason for the alien invasion - a high efficiency realization of Agenda 21!

How could you guys not have loved this show like a McRib? It wholeheartedly embraced its insanity and ran with it.

Great for making sexytime, but what about when the fighting starts?

I want PSVR so I can watch movies on a virtual giant screen.

I’m filing this to, “The Exact Moment James Whitbrook Made Me Feel Really Old.”

Got to see Mad Max at least. Ah well... Blu Ray or Netflix eventually.

If we were in a simulation it follows that the creators of the simulation could alter the test results. Just sayin.

Daughter of Mon Mothma and Jar Jar

That’s at least forgivable since it was on a TV budget, and the other Trek shows did that all the time as well.

I was being a bit tongue in cheek. My own cheek, don’t be calling the cops now.

Whew. Was gonna ask what was in Got Ham’s water. Ham I guess. They got it.

If Glavan’s sister is Bruce’s age then DAMN. I’d definitely have been drawn in by that jail bait.

Just send all DC shows to the CW and move on.

Yay, NYC, land of the most easily offended. City that never sleeps... how can you sleep when you're so pissed off?