
Yeah, I was a little disappointed at first that Wipeout didn't match up to the film, and then the second game came out and I was blown away.

Get a PS Vita, buy 2048, get the HD & Fury add ons. This alone makes the Vita worth it.

Where is Archer season 5, Netflix? :(

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The best thing about this movie was making me aware of Wipeout. If a new film/show resurrects this franchise I'm all in.

How many of you bring your own chairs to the office??

Don't judge it all by BBT.

I'm not agreeing with this, but you know... if HBO and/or the DVD sets weren't so expensive maybe some people would go legit.

Why aren't the lawyers all over this bullshit?

I'm assuming it's because most fans of the Bond films have not read the books, and that many are not even aware of the fact that there are books to begin with. I've not read any, nor do I feel inclined to, to be perfectly honest.

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There's only one thing I want to see on Resurrection:

50 years of Trek Lin. Don't fuck it up.

For $17 you can get an alien vs power loader statue! You also get a shitty game with it.

When a dog shows up with Schnapps you don't spend too much time questioning it's heritage :P

I was too medicated to notice :P

Remaster DS9 and all will be well.

You guys are just mad that it's not lupus.

I don't know but I have a serious thing about spoiled milk. It's not quite a phobia but there is a fear associated with the possibility of ingesting sour milk. Sour cream and blue cheese? Bring dat shit on.

Hey, it's not my fault. The Red Cross showed up and told me it was medicine!