
I would. I thought it had more passion, and the sacrifice of the Enterprise actually had meaning.

I... enjoyed the Abrams films.


Hey, we all like/dislike what we... you know :)

Dunno - people seem to love that Dances With Whales movie here, so I'm not one to run with the pack on all things.

I loved 2 and 6, and 3 for the most part. I have a lot of issues with First Contact. The Borg Queen and the ridiculous plot line with Data just killed it for me. And time travel? Stop First Contact?

4th maybe. But I would never rate it above 2, 3, or 6. Better than Dances With Whales by far, but so is an enema.

Did he just make a dick sandwich?

First Contact was not all that good.

Yay to moar Hannibal!


OMG that's so perfect. No wonder it never happened :(

This is probably the only new SyFy show that has me interested.

So wait, this wasn't just a shitty plot line in Sanctuary?

I'd have the same reaction as in the GIF if I realized I'd opened a Bud.

Spoiler Alert: the planet doesn't actually blow up in the end. Shyamalan twist! New continuity for all!

That's like taking the 700 club and calling it the evolution network.

It can't be that bad. At least this show has real... leaves or something.

I recently found Discovery Family, a channel that shows My Little Pony and The Littleist Pet Shop. That told me all I needed to know about the state of affairs at the Discovery Channel.

But there is no wind in space.

I loved X-Men 2 even if it was The Wrath of Khan with Wolverine.

THIS would be a day 1 purchase, full price