

Just get this: $10 in NYC, Astor Wines

Honestly, I don't think it makes it not OK either. Lucasfilm needs to back off. They need to realize that Star Wars is more than just intellectual property; it's something DEEPLY ingrained in our culture, and they should respect that, even if it means allowing some minor infringement.

Coming soon, Carcass Two!

This probably isn't helping.

Thanks, I appreciate this response greatly because these are all valid issues. Still, these are reasons for not using Comic Sans for business purposes. Lots of fonts have potential readability issues (though I don't see how Comic Sans is any less readable than Arial/Helvetica) and yes, it has a casual tone. Still,

It's actually just an application of anime tax.

So... whatever became of this?

Hmmm... I dunno, I think that was an ironic response to the hate after it became popular to hate the font.

My hipster theory is validated. Thank you.

OMG I just got it, this is the ultimate hipster device. It's the ultimate irony. Its a typewriter, which is completely obsolete and anachronistic, making it perfect for hipster love, yet it's locked into Comic Sans, which apparently is mandatory for hipsters to hate.

Seriously, what's the deal with all the hate for Comic Sans? Is this a hipster thing like drinking PBR and growing face ferrets?

I see so many negative things about Gotham and all I can say is whatever, I love the show.

This show is still incredibly goofy and silly and a lot probably depends on whether you prefer Nolan's Batman, or Burton's. If you're a Burton fan, this is way more likely to be for you.

Chicken and Waffles didn't win. Chicken and Waffles was not found in NYC. Lays can go fuck right off.

OMG I knew I wasn't crazy! I remembered an episode in which Cobra was changing the endings to movies, but nobody believed me.

And that's why it sucked.

Not in NY, no shits to give.