
How many times have you seen a poster saying the reverse, to always hold the door open for a man? Is there equality in posters?

OMG y'all. The point hasn't been missed this badly since Michael Bay made Pearl Harbor.

Come on guys, it's just about being gentlemen. Remember, women are totally incapable of opening doors.

Does the rating system include a measurement for Christian Propaganda? I'd like to steer my kid away from that.

Wasn't it made explicitly clear at the end of S1 that Marty was not only just a returned, but also the missing son of the family he was helping?

Bonus: we got to see a little bit of 5 Pointz before it was destroyed.

The only puppet movie I want to see is Team America 2. Apparently I'm not the only one.

The best part was clicking on one of the videos and being presented with a commercial for a Dyson robot vaccum.

Guys, relax. It's Texas. Someone will shoot the virus.

YAY! I'm not the only one who thought the character was named Snuffaluffagus. (Apparently it's Snuffleupagus... lame)

Glasses made for kissing... or eye gouging.

This sounds awesome except... HBO. Damn my cheap ass :(

Normally I don't mind a little snark but I'm absolutely loving this show, and I really hope the nitpicking and cynicism isn't going to do the show harm.

Maybe, though I think the fact that it sucks has a lot more to do with it. :)

Now playing

This is why you should always get Corona familiar... assuming you're buying Corona at all.

At first I read this as Final Fantasy Football. That would be the most flamboyant non-sport ever.

It wasn't intended that way, but hey, mo filth mo better.

Can I put my TARDIS in it?

I would consider it but I don't know if I'd be able to watch it all within the rental period. It took 3 days to finish watching Looper, which I bought for $10. That's the other part. Rent for $5 (and up) or wait and buy on the cheap.