
What's wrong with a love interest? She's living her life, and as she said, the Doctor is just one of her hobbies.

All I want is Peggle for the Vita.

The fact that we can wrestle with a few philosophical questions for so long kind of proves that this was a far better Dalek story than most we've seen recently.

OK, that makes sense. Thanks.

The 3DS seems like a pretty tightly closed system. Assuming the wifi connection is off during emulation mode, what could exploit this vulnerability?

COFFINBIRTH to conman577

I'm asking because I am curious - what security flaws will be opened?

Give it up. There were 3 replies under a single post. The way you've been losing your shit in your rants it wasn't much of a stretch for me to believe you might have hit reply 3 times. Get over yourself.

Wait, now you're ripping the person on your side apart? Are you here just to piss all over everyone?

They all appeared as replies to the same post. Blame Kinja.

I made a comment to which people are responding. That's not trolling.

Well, now I know where these guys who are accusing me of being harsh on the 3DS library are coming from.

Your 3 replies to a single post are all missing the point. Yes, the hardware AS RELEASED may have problems, but Nintendo, while designing the system, should have made the ability to play SNES and GBA eShop titles a requirement.

You are saying that I should ignore the fact that there are things I don't like and pay money to play things I don't like because I should open my mind. If you didn't like shoot em up games, playing Ikaruga isn't going to open your mind, it's just going to piss you off that you spent money on a game you don't like.

If you pay a full dollar will they hook up your bookmarks with the best sites?

Smash Bros seems to exist solely for MP. I'm a single player kind of gamer.

Explain to me how everyone's opinion is exactly the same, because clearly your opinion is that everyone must love the games library on the 3DS or they are a troll. So tell me, how is it not possible that someone could be disappointed with the library overall, and why is it having a dissenting opinion makes one a

Did you see the part where I acknowledged my mistaken assumptions? Or did you just come to bitch me out because it's fuck it friday?

Re-read what you just wrote. You just told me I should just ignore what I dislike and play it anyway.

This sounds a lot like how difficult it is to make a female character for Assassin's Creed. Too hard so we didn't do it.