

I generally don't find myself on the same page as entities that have yet to prove their existence, but I can't argue against the point either.

Goldschlager is the physical manifestation of poor decisions and regret.

What sort of evil bastard would want to ruin butterscotch? :(

Well back in high school and college that would have been a yes.

I think it also occurs when bingeing, which is definitely what happened that night. These days when I have anything strong I tend to go for something really good and sip/savor.

Iron belly!

Same here - this was a VERY long time ago.

Jaeger does have a seriously potent aroma.

I've never gotten sick from SoCo but the smell is off putting.

Yeah. It wasn't fun.

It's just crap.

I'll just stick to the happiness of Jameson.

I think I'm more like the guy from I'm Gonna Git You Sucka who OG'd

Goldschlager makes me feel ill, though it is only psychosomatic. (as it reminds me of a time when I vomited not only my own soul but those of my past lives after a bad night involving goldschlager, jager, and tequila... though the latter are still welcome) Ingesting it makes me angry, as I would not do so knowingly,

As long as the don't make him an asexual being that reproduces by budding I really don't care.

Me likey.

Has this joined Defiance in the pile of shows no longer deemed worthy of recaps?

Watching this episode I had an epiphany, albeit kind of a racist and/or sexist one - btw, it's not my fault, blame the writers :P