
I'd snag this in a heartbeat if it were on console, especially Vita.

OK, I know anime men tend to be a little (ok a whole lot) effeminate, but for fuck's sake, there is no way that Tamaki is male.

Ah, this is a prequel? No wonder she has a reasonable amount of clothing on.

If good Alec is dead and bad Alec is alive then what did Kira slice out of good Alec's arm?

So this is basically Do Us a Flavor in which the flavor I want the most has been summarily ignored.

I have a feeling it would be bad for my eyes to google "super private"

It's a sad day for gaming - we were sold on another pack of lies. We were promised a grass simulator, but we don't get to experience the world as a blade of grass! Instead we run around as some douchebag putting holes in the ground with their right to bear arms and their need to pack as much firepower as possible

I thought it was the hipster timeline. I was looking for PBR holsters in their armor.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I missed out on You Need a Budget! Anyone know where it can be found on the cheap?

Yay! (now sneak in Hellboy 3)

I'm glad someone found Starbuck's Viper intact. This must be Earth.

She wasn't wrong, the song did suck.

Well yeah. Caffeine is addictive, marijuana is not - unless you mean behaviorally, in which case so is chewing on pencils.

Can we just make it legal and move on please?

Now playing

And here I thought Fight Club was the biggest whore of the gaming industry.

Now playing

So many pictures with fruit... where are the sausages?

I don't mean to be dismissive of this post, but the target is way too easy. It's like saying here are 12 meals that are better than shit on a shingle.

It's not the parents refusing treatment for themselves - they are making a decision for someone else. By not vaccinating their children they are putting others at risk, in addition to their own children.

I want lo like this but... now these kids have reduced immunity and no education?

I'm guessing many of these people were in diapers or not even born when this game was released.