
That's not here.

Given that marriage is a legally binding contract, I can understand this one.

Holy crap, I sure did miss a ton of games since Halo 3.

Not just this, but it's another thing that's had me sort of wanting one. Not $300 wanting one, mind you.

Or maybe we just like coffee in different ways, and don't feel the need to limit ourselves to tiny cups of extra strength coffee.

Damn you Nintendo, you're kinda making me want a Wii U.

What about Vitamins A & C? I need my alcohol and caffeine supplements.

It was just a sarcastic answer. Man, the internet is serious these days.

You forgot Predator.

I'm sold! On the idea of not paying to see this in a theater, that is.

And with that, China's secret plans for a lunar weapons platform and opening targets are no longer secret.

What if that's a modified suit?

At the end of the episode, it's still against the law to re-use medical organs, despite the fact they are perfectly fine if assholes don't put shit in them. People in dire need: 0, Corporate greed: 1,984,240,024!

Cannot be unseen now. Thanks :P

First they took our jobs and then they took our brains!

Creepy, but nothing freaks me out like giant moths. I don't know why but every time I'm in a dark area and some giant eyed moth comes near me I turn into a whirlwind of destruction just to get it away... and they always want to cuddle.

We all know who's at fault here.

Huh? They did they homage to Se7en last episode.

I was about to try to find a photo in Google images for "Planet Ass" but then realized what sort of mind scarring images I would be in for if I were to proceed, so... let's just stick with the name for now.