
There was a big discussion about this in the Facebook page 'The Doctor Who Hub' in which there was speculation about both Capaldi's face and McGann's face appearing in the poster.

For fuck's sake, guys. Make your consoles backward compatible.

Why are people complaining about a lack of BC? Because it used to be an option which was removed, and the removal was in part pressure from 3rd parties. I would pay more for a system with BC, which would give me a single system to use as opposed to having multiple consoles connected.

No one bitched and whined when VHS became DVD

Wait for the Mark II

Do I want it? Do I want the ability to go from place to place on my own schedule without having to pay attention to the role or take any active part in the driving? Yes.

Summary: Doctor Who will face the end of a 50 year story in the Christmas special - when Time Lord Matt Smith reveals he is actually the 13th and 'final' Doctor.

That's it

Or Moffat is playing with us in a terrible way.

Or Moffat is playing with us in a terrible way.

I'm surprised this bit of spoilery Doctor Who news hasn't been posted.

That's care for the site :)

I was wondering about that - I can't connect to my home network for shit with my Ouya

I'm happy with my Blade Runner briefcase.

It's not that. Nobody is taking the original away. Its like the Blade Runner sequel. If it sucks, sure it'll be a disappointment, but the original is still intact. I still love Alien & Aliens even though Brometheus was crap.

But the word trope can carry negative connotations with it, and may be interpreted as a judgement, intentional or not, implying that it is necessary because the writing cannot stand on its own.