
Unfortunately with larger hand support comes a significantly larger price tag.

If it can handle a daily train commute I think I'll be picking one of these up. I would prefer an XL but the cost was higher than I can justify at the moment. The only reason I have a Vita is because my Sony points paid for it.

Nooooo, don't jinx it

I would have picked up a new Streets of Rage in a heartbeat. Those games were really fun, without requiring people to memorize and master ridiculously complex combos.

Since all of the obvious winners have already been picked I'm going for the underdogs:

But he was never a villain.

Disagree - he turned into a two bit villain by the end of the series. His ridiculous descent into 'evil' ruined the character IMHO.

Well, having a kid is the reason I want more cargo space without having to put the seats down.

If the Juke had a little more cargo space I'd love it.

I'd forgotten all about the Golden Comp Ass. Holy shit, that was one of the worst films I'd ever seen. I wouldn't lump this one in. That's like asking why Sci Fi fails and citing Plan 9 From Outer Space.

As much as I want to say worst idea ever, there is a part of me that thinks this could work.

There has to be more to it than what was shown.

Well, even if I do, I can't do anything with them until I can get the box online.

Thanks, but unfortunately that's not really an option.

I don't even remember if I have points. I haven't turned my XBox on in over a year. I moved in the early part of last year, and I no longer have a wired connection nearby. I have one of the older, pre-HDMI models, and don't want to spend $50 on a network adapter. Yes, I'm a cheap bastard.

Here's what I figure. Coulson never died. He was near death, brought to medical and revived. Fury then decided to convince the team that he was dead in an attempt to motivate them.

I suppose this is how you say "get off mah land" in Russian.

I don't recall him losing the leg in the first film, which took many liberties with the source material. Understandable, but not the same as the book.

True. I need to give the game more time. It's just frustrating trying to get through a section and having to replay the same part over 20 times. Do I suck? Probably. I don't have the time to play often, so yeah, I probably do suck.

I wasn't saying that I think people should or shouldn't. Also I was being a bit sarcastic. You're free to take offense, but none was intended, and I believe you are reading more into the post than what is actually there.