
We all get to be the idiot after a few pints :)

Fair enough.

Aie, some of these people are close friends. Tis a bit harsh.

You want me to list them? :) I dunno... people I know and have hung out with and had drinks with.

Not at all. Many people seem to like this film. I'm just not one of them.

Not sci-fi but people act like this was the greatest film of our time.

Not streaming and I'm too much of a cheap ass to pay for Netflix DVDs.

I know what Fight Club is about and I love it every time I see it :)

I still haven't seen that.

Well, it wasn't what was on her signs as much as it was that she was protesting Comic Con. On her shirt... not sure.

Yes, it's fiction... as if that has stopped the lunatics:


How is that not still murder? If you kill someone and take their memories, they're still dead, and you have more memories.

Are our bodies destroyed when we go to sleep? There's a big difference between this and basic cell division & cell death.

Isn't that the kind of thing that made for the Cylon and Replicant revolutions? What about the guy in Moon? These copies are still sentient beings with rights.

That's the thing - do they even know? My guess is they have no idea until their bodies are being torn apart, but by then it's too late. Seconds later a new you is born, but it's really someone else with your memories.

(the source person would be destroyed during the copying procedure, as evidenced in the TNG episode, “Second Chances” when an ‘extra’ Riker was accidently created)

I have the same question in my head.

I dunno. I can't see anything positive in this film. I hate this film so much... almost as much as Stallone's Judge Dredd. No. This might be more. Either way, there's nothing positive for me to say about it.

Tell me which one so I can ban it from my child's book shelf.

This may be offensive to some, so I apologize in advance.