
I'd trade in most of these for a ban on xenon headlights. They might be better for the driver, but they're at best a distraction and at worst a blinding hazard for other drivers.

Will your car's tires magically fail if you don't walk around the car?

I didn't click the video. I didn't watch it. I went to io9's main page and in unobscured text I read 'Still conflicted by the nonsensical "send him to India to smash up the spider terraformer thing" ending to Man of Steel? '

Hadn't seen it yet but I guess now I know the ending... not that it's a big deal :) Pretty much has to end with Superman winning.

I thought the plot for the third film was firmly cemented in the second: war with the Klingons.

I set my DVR for the encore showing.

Meanwhile the LAPD is wondering why they didn't think of this first.

Why would the ACLU go after this? Whose civil rights are being trampled by this?

Incidentally, the best answer to any uncomfortable question is "I am the night".

I'll just fess up to my sins now and say that while I am apalled by OSC's homophobia, I'm still eagerly awaiting Shadow Complex 2.

Shit just got real.

If I thought that I would have said that. No. I think they should never be left without observation and/or supervision. I think that all activities should be monitored so that there are no opportunities for physical or sexual assaults. I think corruption in the prison system needs to be exposed, and any staff

The fact that prisoners have the ability to control ANYTHING in their environment, who can commit acts of physical and sexual assault, forget about running prison empires - this should be considered intolerable, and should be cause for immediate action. Solitary confinement might be problematic, but there really is

Somehow I'm thinking this is preferable to prison fights/rape/shivving.

Now playing

'tis the hipster-eque irony. Hipsteresque?

That`s the happy ending. Its a prequel to Cars.

That would not have been a good thing.

I hate being stuck with names I find annoying, or worse, stupid. Cloud? Cait Sith? Squall? Ugh.

I preferred making my own names.

It worked out very well for the Arkham games.