I don’t think Kirk will be *too* embarrassed if I share here what I emailed to the staff:
I don’t think Kirk will be *too* embarrassed if I share here what I emailed to the staff:
I find them fascinating as well Tim
That’s not true at all. Inquisition started development just a few months after DA2. I know this because I wrote about it in a book that’s coming out soon ;)
To pen an authentic and intellectual cinema review – the kind worthy of publication in America’s snootiest airport magazine – one must remember to include countless, such as it were, asides and clauses, seemingly without a purpose other than rendering one’s prose an inarticulate gruel of half thoughts, all while…
This game sure looks a lot like Bloodline Champions! Oh wait...
I loved Bloodline Champions back when it was still very active and I’m happy to see that same company take another shot at it with this, like spiritual successor!
Dunno if the game itself will be good but what I got from that interview is that I reaaaaalllllyyy like Tabata
I would actually play a Blast Corps sequel. :)
Hey, I just make the games. I don’t analyze them. That’s someone else’s job!
Yeah, I was thinking that too...I saw a blank listing for “SaGa 2015” on IGN literally a few minutes after I traded in my vita. I would absolutely pick up another one if they localized it, I have fond memories of SaGa Frontier, would love to play another title from the series :)
Thought it was SaGa 2015 for a moment.
Basically. The way game engines tend to work is to do calculations based on updates. Like the main one I know is Unity and it bases it on screen updates (which is each frame being drawn). So if you are smart, you multiply all real-time calculations (like movement or durability loss) by time it took since last refresh…
A Quick Note For My Readers: Back in 2013, I wrote a ‘blip’ about a game called Read Only Memories. I missed this small post during my initial sweep last summer of posts I wrote that needed disclosure, but it’s been brought to my attention today, so I’m updating it with that information.
Thanks. The Game Awards will be back again for 2015 and yes, we have lots of ideas on how to grow the show. Last year's show was put together in only a couple of months — this year we have a full year to plan it out. My goal is to grow the show but also keep it true to the audience, which is why it worked last year. …
By now, you've had 24 hours to play Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae, one of the most fascinating video game demos…
WAIT WAIT WAIT.... Spiritual succesor to System Shock 3........ WHERE IS SYSTEM SHOCK 3????