

I’m not crying, you’re crying

I find them fascinating as well Tim

Nice article Jason

My PS4 Pro has very laggy UI

This game sure looks a lot like Bloodline Champions! Oh wait...

I’ve never played TimeSplitters but does it share anyone from the Goldeneye team? This is remarkably similar, it shares UI elements and sound design...

Evie all the way, I found Jacob to be a lovable idiot AT BEST. He keeps making bad emotional decisions and getting in trouble for them.

Evie is a level headed badass Assassin and I would love her even more if they didn’t shoehorn the relationship stuff in.

Calling it now, Overwatch style F2P arena hero-based shooter.

Not unlike Dude Huge’s game

Donnie Darko ending

You’re in for a ride, there are many many hours worth of content 10 hours plus I’d say

I’m getting a very Time and Eternity vibe out of this (you might know it as Toki To Towa)

Maybe mentioning that a new Vita game is scheduled for this year as well would have been good.

Uhm so... The damage is calculated on animation frames? Since the FPS is doubled the animation frame for weapon damage is actually turned into 2 frames therefore the damage is applied twice?

Hey Patricia, I’m not always a fan of your stuff (I’m not ALWAYS a fan of anyone’s stuff!) but I recognize your dedication and I think it’s pretty nice that you’re coming back to one of your old articles to add this small disclosure even though I feel it’s not necessarily needed. I hope the people making your life

I personally enjoyed last year's Videogame Awards, do you have ideas on how to grow the event and make it even more interesting?

Is Christine Love your friend?

So it's White and Gold instead of Black and Blue now?

Literally as I wrote this I realized that I am one of the members of the academy and that I could have voted... DAMNIT