Rufus Honker IV

Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place, Captain.

"Oooo, that's not my tail you're caressing..."

You mean it wasn't filmed on location?

They had plenty of time to do durability testing right here on earth. If they brought the wrong wheels to the party then we can chalk that up to poor mission management.

I thought turkey was a distinctly USian thing. Shouldn't they be cooking a goose, what what? Shenanigans!

I think Clara is talking to the Silence, not the Doctor. Hence the whole "why can't I remember you " stuff.

Comic Book Andrea would like to have a private discussion with TV Series Andrea (and her writers).

You all know what we've been through. You all know what we're up against.....
Still, let me tell you all about it again in the lost expository way....

Fortune-tellers being prohibited from settling lovers' quarrels? You mean that's IT?! That's the weirdest in my state? The one with, you know, New Orleans in it? That's like getting a Presidential pardon! SCORE!

That figures ;)

This is why i dont go to movies anymore.

Hell I thought she shouldn't have "chosen" anybody, they were both terrible options.

I agree. The first person perspective worked very well for the first book, less well for the second, and not so well at all for the third. This is a case where the movies could have a distinct advantage over the book.

The books are limited because you only get the point of view of one character, Katniss, who is literally being kept in the dark and manipulated by everyone around. If the books had stepped back and included POV from any of the other characters, the story would have really opened up.

very true...also, you have two separate books each dedicated to its own hunger games...then you cram an ENTIRE FREAKING WAR into one book? I mean the story was good, and there were many aspects of it (like the capital city's "self-defense" environment, which was really cool) that were well thought out, but why cram

I felt like the story was overshadowed more and more by the love triangle aspect as it wore on. There were so many interesting anles to see the story from but we ended up stuck with, "ooh, which boy should I choose?" It really took the kick out of the actual war that was going on, in my opinion.