Rufus Honker IV

I’m so glad there’s a reference to a missing spaceship in Rise to set up a potential return to the Planet of the Apes.

It’s “Avalable to watch now” but you have to purchase it.  Not saying that’s good or bad, just sharing if you think it’s gonna be on YouTube with ads.

Tenet was a great idea, and it was well done. I liked it the first time, and more the second time. There are some skips and starts, but I must give him credit for following the big idea - and it’s so rare to have a truly big scifi idea out there in Cinema. Loved the fight scene and the car chase.

I’m still a little grumpy about Elliot Page’s character in Umbrella Academy. I support his change, but just because the actor switched genders... the character doesn’t have to. Wouldn’t it be a better sign of your acting chops to continue to play a female even if you’ve gone male IRL?

Really, the Oscars and other

It was okay.  A little cliche and WAAAY too much young adult relationship drama.

Maybe, to preserve the timeline, Jurati Borg waited as a subroutine to come out once intended events had passed.

Didn’t like to book, loved the series.  Glad to see this.

The glowing press was to get people back into theaters, AND it’s noteworthy that people are enjoying heaping hate on a movie they don’t intend to see but know is going to be popular anyway so it’s “open season” on being critical about it.

I liked it.
Was it perfect? Nope.
Were there big plotholes? Yup.

One thing I can say will be positive here - I’ve seen it already (but never in 3D) - and I’ll know when my 48-year-old bladder and I can head out to the bathroom during this almost three-hour movie.

And STILL no MP3 radio station.

Agreed. It’s one thing to (correctly) bring a person down a few notches because of bad judgement and mistakes. Doesn’t make them any less of an artist, any less skilled in their craft.
Too many people deify the successful and wealthy and then snap the moment they end up being a normal, fallible human being.  Just

Maybe on the staple.


You had have to done something for the month.”

Seriously, I’m surprised theaters don’t do just a show or two with a 10-20 minute intermission for bathroom breaks and replacement popcorn for these 3+ hour movies.  I’m 47, the bladder ain’t what it used to be to sit through previews AND wait for the stinger at the end of the credits.

I loved this show, but felt the final episode was rushed.  Felt like three episodes worth of stuff crammed in.

I love the Alien series but from a science fiction standpoint over horror. I want to learn more about the Xenomorph, not all kinds of silly horror crap. I want to know why it was developed - if as a weapon - or how it evolved.

I was not expecting to be so taken in by Squid Game.

Loved the movie? Yes!
Best picture material? No.