Rufus Honker IV

“Operation “make the world like Pittsburgh” was a complete success!”

“Where do ya want dis bed, Mac?”

A police officer may even cut her the break of letting her go.

Some segments go on too long, others far too fast.

Galaxy Quest is there. I saw Sarris.

Some of these aren’t “aliens”. If they seem to have evolved on Earth, they ain’t aliens. The Cloverfield Monster is not estabished as “alien”. The 50ft Woman in absolutely not an alien.

I stopped after the third episode this season. I’ll get caught up sometime, but no hurry.

Dear USA, please don’t let China find ET first.

He looks funny without a moustache.

Don’t forget Wolfgang’s Dad is James Cromwell!

I DVR’d Sharknado 3. Won’t be able to catch it until Thursday night.

We’re finally at a point where we can actually use computers and mobile networks, etc. Just like how some men laughed at the guys who bought cars, pointing out their horses didn’t need to buy gas, those were the sticks in the mud, and after 20-30 years the sticks in the mud moved on to retirement, cars were more

“Dogfancy, please.”

Michigan makes sense. As a night shifter in Pittsburgh who is loved by his boss because he will drive to work through (so far) every night snowstorm 14 years has thrown at him, I’ve been wondering how they were going to test driving on snow in sunny California.

No, that’s an “M”. It’s a “Melicopter” pad.

Looks like The Truman Show.

McMahon estimated he saw Star Wars eight times the week it came out

I thought the first AvP was palatable, despite issues. I liked the line “Well, this is good because this is like finding Moses’s DVD collection”