Rufus Honker IV

I remember watching Square One TV as a kid, and there was one segment where a guy was predicting when the 100 meter dash will be finished in zero seconds, just going by the downward slope of records. I can't remember much from it, but it certainly got my thinker thinking.

The moment someone said Martin Freeman was under consideration for the role, my jaw dropped. Perfect choice - couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it.


Now playing

Ted, my 7 year old son is going to flip when he wakes up and I show him this. He LOVES Portal.

I feel comfortable in saying there are intelligent beings like us in one of the galaxies in the void, mistakenly thinking their galaxy was the entire universe because it's just Murphy's Law.

The "green light from the mouth and eyes" effect in Futurama reminded me of the "pain stick" effect from Stargate SG-1

My pet theory is the spacecraft that launches with the monks at the end of Canticle eventually becomes the universe of Dune. There's a lot on interesting corollaries you can draw between the two works - both have times when knowledge is destroyed by the masses.

This is what I was going to say.

Use lots of lube or you'll be going "Ooooouch..."

Use lube or you'll be going "Ooooooocuh..."

The late Philip J. Fry is hands down my favorite episode. "Take that, causality!"

Oh, jumping into lava has crossed my mind (not seriously, folks). It would truly be quick. I'll be it'll hurt like hell for a few moments though but the heat will probably fry your brain pretty fast.

Okay, here's the truth.


I wanna go in zero G!!!!!!

Skewed. Republicans probably voted for him so he'd be sitting in a target. Didn't you see Independence Day?

When Bender used the giraffe to gain entry to the hospital, my 7-year-old son said "Don't hurt the giraffe, he's nice!"

I still want my money back for Starship Troopers because we got to see almost all the girls naked except the REALLY hot ones in fleet.
