With a vertical shot!
With a vertical shot!
Ah. Thank you. Would you mind telling me what region(s) snotty is more commonly used in?
Not sure what you're doing there...Snotty or snooty? A snotty magazine might not convince people...snooty might have more success...unless you're going for three-year-olds...
Fucked up. I know what it's like. Though it seems to occur in stages (in the order they're presented—meaning the last one is rock-bottom).
Don't let bad grades stop you from becoming POTUS...
"Wasting" time is one of the best ways to recharge the creativity batteries...and by wasting, I mean doing nothing other than looking (not at a screen). Kind of like the woman in the picture...
I sorta do...When one of these bastards is in my rear view mirror, it's like having a Cylon trying to hump your car.
Knock-off knock-offs:
Mercedes has done it too...I guess they feel their product is not sufficiently distinctive.
As obnoxious at the trunk lids are, the grills are even worse:
Welcome to the US, home of the Puritans and home of the stocks...
Oh gawd! JFK...seriously? For a car...oh...it's an Irish name (Hennessey..oh and Kennedy)...in a British car...tuned by a Texas (where was JFK killed) company...with a Chevy engine...shit...what a mess!
Yup...but you said...and I quote: "America". No "South" or "North"...
So is Canada, Mexico and Argentina.