
I think you need your eyes checked. Seems like you have rose-tinted eye disorder (and my first pokemon game was Yellow.)

: Fucked

I don't know why ignorant bigots are all expected to vote Republican.

You are so angry. You win the outrage party!!!!

Why do people who disagree with someone's opinion on a news video jump to conclusions that the person is white supremacist?

Come on. That's hilarious! Lighten up

Man, this doesn't feel right, and I especially don't like all the calls throughout the comments for doxxing them and other things tending toward vigilantism. This one's too ambiguous, and this site has too much reach. Please be careful.

And this is on Deadspin because????

It does look bad... But given that they're at least 20 feet behind the reporter, I doubt they can even hear her in the first place. This is just outrage for clicks.

I get not jumping to conclusions

Because they know exactly what that report is how? Do you know how voices work? That couple is far enough back that they can't hear what she's saying... and that's not a chokehold - it's an embrace. Hell, it's entirely possible that couple has NO idea who Garner is. Yes, even in NY where we get, gasp, a whole lot of

Watched it three times... at no point do I feel like they were pantomiming Garner. Hell, I don't even think they know what the report is about.

You're probably going to get jumped on, but I agree with you. It doesn't look like they're trying to recreate Eric Garner's death. It looks like a couple acting goofy in front of a camera. But given what the reporter was discussing it looks really bad.

You don't seriously think that was a pantomime of it do you?

and then first confirm if they even know who Garner was or what the live shot was about... Glad they've already been charged in the court of public opinion with zero knowledge of anything going on, though. Good work.

I would be the first to jump on anyone making fun of that disgusting situation - but this is just grossly irresponsible Tim. For real... have you actually walked around NYC before?

Um you don't know what, retard? Maybe he was just embracing her?

Looked absolutely nothing like the Garner vid, but rage on SJW Gawker crew.

Not sorry. This was funny.

God forbid that the NYT reports and photographs the truth about the squalid hospital conditions that many Ebola patients face in Sierra Leone.