
What are people complaining about? Has there ever been an all-male FF game? Maybe FF1. I think the White Mage character was a dude. I forget.

Just criticizing for criticizing's sakes is pretty shallow however. It would be a lot more cogent if it had more of a point to it and not because everyone has an opinion. Of course people do. People have all sorts of pet peeves that gets shown off in internet discourse. But it doesn't mean all criticism is convincing

I'm not upset with this and it really shouldn't be overplayed. FFXV's mood and setting from the trailer seems to be a bro road trip-like theme, hence the male-only cast of playable protagonists. It fits. It's has this anime feel to it too, and some anime have done this bro-only plot theme from time to time. Nothing

Didn't we just come off of a series of 3 Final Fantasy games that have a female lead?

Correct, if the game designer, studio, writer, etc. decide they do not want a female character then yes they do not have any obligation to include it, and if their only reason for doing so is 'I just don't want to,' that is a perfectly legitimate reason. HOWEVER, that being said, as consumers and game critics, the

This isn't a problem.

What about Final Fantasy 10-2 Lol, All girl game.

If the designer/director believe that a female party character won't add anything to his game, then he should not feel guilty about doing that. Nobody needs to feel that they should follow a certain social ethics so that they are forced to add a token character in the game just to please entitled gamers.

If this were a trend in FF games I'd say alright complain, but with the number of FF games out there I don't think it matters if one game has a male heavy cast. I mean there's a lot of practical reasons for people of the same gender to end up experiencing something together. You could argue that they should balance it

you know, I'm as liberal as they come and i see the inherent sexism in a lot of games. But if you carefully read what she said its pretty well reasoned and articulate. Except the oart about "killing male gaming culture.". I think its true that games exist in a broad spectrum. Probably broader than anyone gamer

kelly, let me ask a question literally 0 people have asked:

Probably the same thing that gawker did with the money that they made from posting nudes and links to nudes of kat dennings, scarlett johannsen, christina hendricks, vanessa hudgens, hulk hogan, etc.

Probably something similar to what Gawker did with the money made from Hulk Hogan's stolen video that they refused to take down.

Get over yourself, Jezebel. You're profiting as we speak. This is what we call "incidental."

Basically, it's almost amusing seeing how self-righteous and hypocritical most of these sites are being when they profit off these types of scandals on a regular basis.

How about you guys first look at yourselves and your ill-gotten page views/ad revenue hmm?

Same thing Gawker Media did with the money earned from publishing the Hulk Hogan sex tape.

Jezebel made lots of money off the nudes, so did Gawker. Not to mention what Gawker made off the Hogan tape.