
“Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn."

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

Way to talk about a four-year-old you’ve never met, just for existing. Sheesh.

“...I’m sure he could have readily convinced a blackout drunk girl to have sex with him...”


How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

64 percent of Spring Valley High students are minorities”...

I kindof raised my eyebrows at “reading at a 2nd grade level” which is pretty different than“operating at a 2nd grade level”.

I believe that’s a season 1 photo. Sandra didn’t show up until season 2.

Of course he’s a Labrador. Of course.

I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the

She wasn’t cavity searched when she was booked. She was cavity searched before she had even been arrested, by the side of the road, and then arrested because she struggled while strangers illegally forced their hands into her vagina. There was nothing “routine” about what happened here.

In my experience, when someone has to tell you how smart they are, they usually are not that smart.

You know when someone starts talking about how they have a high IQ and it has been tested, they’re going to say something really stupid after.

I think my favorite Trump fan excuse was when one of the Trump supporters argued that Trump was really referring to the stigmata — the blood flowing from Jesus Christ’s wrists and ankles after they were pierced during the crucifixion.

i mean you’re under no obligation to want to take care of a kid, but if you don’t want to take care of a kid, that puts an obligation on you TO NOT FUCKING HAVE ONE

One day, I hope someone invents a device that rich men could use when they want to have sex with random women but don’t want all the risks of getting them pregnant and having to pay child support.

I’m going more with: